One of them is an amazing and inspiring Christian woman called Liz Carter who writes a blog called A Great Adventure, which is a really great read. Liz has a wonderful way with words and I've enjoyed reading her musings over the years, so I was thrilled last year to discover she was writing a book. It's evident from Liz's writing that she has a deep and profound relationship with God and it has been amazing and uplifting to see over the years just how she has dug into this relationship and remained strong in her faith despite having a chronic lifelong illness.
I don't know if it is is because of, or in spite of, Liz's battles with lung disease and all the medical complications that accompany it, that Liz has a quiet confidence in our Lord, but her writing on contentment and why we can all capture it, whatever our situation is inspiring and accessible to all.
Catching Contentment is such an interesting book that really opened my eyes and introduced me to so many new ideas and concepts that I’ve truly never thought through before. I loved the practical reflections which really drew you into the topic and helped you reflect on your identity and contentment in a personal way.

Liz’s sharing of her own personal story and journey really added to the book and gave the book a very real edge, meaning that your own personal contentment felt achievable, no matter what obstacles you might come up against. I’ve known Liz online for a very long time but in truth I didn’t know the depth or severity of the condition she’s been living with. As I read some of the experiences shared by Liz my heart went out to her and truly helped me to realise that even when we feel wretched and broken we can still be salt and light to others. In the time I’ve known Liz there’s never been an occasion when she hasn’t been a courageous ambassador for Christ.
Liz challenges us to think about our own experiences of prayer, worship, patience and expectation. Are we spending enough time with God? Are we waiting well and treating the journey as a treasure, not just looking for instant gratification? Waiting isn’t always easy but are we waiting with a sense of hope? And if I’m honest and answer these questions I’d say I still have a long way to go to be fully glorifying God in the waiting time.
I’d say that contentment is a subject I’ve done a lot of thinking about in the last few years and I’d have gone as far as to say that I’d reached a pretty good state of contentment. In the main my striving has gone and definitely my longing for material things but Liz yanks me from my comfy chair when she says that a synonym for contentment is complacency and frankly, who wants to be complacent in life? Not me.
“Contentment, therefore, is an active choice. It’s a decision to live with the realisation that we don’t just sit back and receive peace because of circumstances, but we chase it through surrender to Jesus, knowing that it is only in him that true soul-rest can be found.”The overriding message I’ll take forward from reading Catching Contentment is that life truly is a journey. It’s all about surrendering as I move forward and letting the past go. Yes, I’ve sinned, as have we all, but when I ask for and accept Christ’s forgiveness I can tap into His future desires for my life and seek to be content as I wait for His promises to be fulfilled and feel joy in being His beloved daughter.
Catching Contentment by Liz Carter is released on 15th November 2018, you can pre-order it now on Amazon for £9.99 for paperback or £6.39 for Kindle.
I'll leave you with the trailer for the book and you can see Liz herself -
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Disclosure: I received a digital copy of Catching Contentment in order for write this post. I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.