Happy Thursday friends. I’m sorry I’ve been so lapse on the reasons to be cheerful front, it’s not that I’ve been miserable, I’ve just been super busy.
So much has been happening and much of it is
good, I did have a couple of weeks where I felt really low and I wasn't even
sure why but I seem to have worked through that and come out the other side.
Praise the Lord.
I feel like a could write a number of posts as
there is so much to be thankful for but I’ll go with a nice long list to keep
it simple and easy to read. Here’s five weeks of gratitude for you -
- We had an ace family holiday in the South of France over May half-term. I’d definitely go back to Eurocamp at Club Farret again.
- My Mum and Dad came to stay at the cottage in the grounds of our home for a week and it was lovely spending time with them and we went out for lots of yummy food too.
- The girls had an inset day and I went to a local farm attraction with them and loads of people from our community and it was a fabulous day out.

- My lovely friend Krisha came to Ash for the day and we had a great catch up and lunch out.
- My husband and I went out for a French meal at a new bistro in Eastbourne and it was exceptional value, £9.99 for three courses, eat as much as you like buffet and the food quality was superb.
- We also got to go out and see Jo Brand live last week. She is as funny as ever but her supporting acts were just filthy! I had many shocked moments!
- I’m regularly meeting with this ace Christian lady to chat things through and she is totally helping me to think more clearly.
- Along with a group of friends from the community I live within we are studying the Enneagram, which is a personality tool with a Christian ethos. It s super interesting getting to know myself more.
- JJ has finished his end of term exams and thank goodness for that. He did super well in his Maths and History ones with a 9 and 8 respectively but he thinks he has fluffed Latin and Science. Thankfully they’re not his GCSEs.
- I've started to walk around the lake each morning before the kids get up so I have some time to pray and clear my head. I'm finding it fabulous.

- I’ve had loads of paid work come in and I’m also doing some regular social media work at the moment so it’s been really good to know I can pay the bills when they arrive.
- Just yesterday I did my 2017/18 tax return and child tax credit update and it is a weight off my mind that they’re done now.
- I also had a massive Instagram clear out, as over time I'd fallen into following people who followed me and I never saw any photos anymore from people I wanted to. So I went from following just over 3000 down to under 1000 and now I love my feed. It felt good.
- We’re off to review the School for Rock on my birthday in August and I can’t wait for that. I’ve booked us a room to stay in London and we have a Parliament tour the next day too. It will be a great treat.
- I’ve also booked for us to go to North Norfolk for 4 nights in late August for my husbands birthday. We are staying in the great AirBnB that we stayed in last year and we have so much more of that area to explore.
- I’ve been out with a couple of friends for dinner dates too. It really restores my soul to chat over food with good girl friends.

I reckon I’ve got enough reasons there. It
sounds like I’ve been really living it up, doesn’t it? And maybe that’s why
I’ve not had time to write a #R2BC post. I’ve rapped my knuckles and I’ll be on
form for the rest of July and I’ll aim for August too.
See you next week, I hope you’ve had a fab one,
Mich x
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