It's therefore really important to me to have some good TV to watch for those evenings when dh is at work or when I just need to completely relax and zone out. Netflix is my answer to this and over the last 18 months it has been a Godsend, we don't have Sky and we can't get cable due to where we live and thus on demand TV is what we have.
I written quite a lot about my love affair with Netflix, I truly think it is such fantastic value at £5.99 a month, I mean really, what else can you do for 6 quid? not even go to the cinema once.
Every so often I get an email from Netflix and rather than annoy me, I love it as it flags a film or series that it thinks I might like based on my ongoing viewing preferences and it cleverly builds up a picture of what I like and do not like based on programmes I have watched and rated. It also acts as a reminder for me to head into Netflix and to explore what is new one there and add some new watches to my list.
I received one of those emails this week and it alerted me that Big Momma's House had been added to Netflix and I don't know about you but I think that is a classic. Such a great family film and one I'll share with the kids and a bucket of popcorn one chilly evening when we cuddle up for some family time. It is a 12 and that's older than my girls but I can't recollect anything in it that concerns me. I'll need to have a little google and see why it is rated as that.

Suits - This was one of the first series that I watched on Netflix and I absolutely fell in Love with it. It still sits up there as a firm favourite for me, so every time a new season is added, I d a little whoop for joy. There are currently three seasons live and I promise you won't be disappointed if you like handsome lawyers, interesting story lines and some great ongoing love stories.

Beasts of No Nation - I've not seen this Netflix original film yet and I don't think it will be one for the faint hearted but I'm never one to turn away just because I might be hurt by what I see. This is the tale of Agu, a young West-African boy whose family has been torn apart by civil war. He is picked up by a mercenary gang and trained into a child solider. I fully expect it to be heart breaking but starring Idris Elba I know it will be realistic and sympathetically done.
Do let me know what your top recommendations are at the moment and I can check them out and maybe add them to my list.
Thanks, Mich x
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