I posted last week about our trip out on the Swanage Railway and one of the stops we made was for Corfe Castle as they have a station right in the heart of the village. As members of the National Trust, there was no cost to us to visit the castle ruins but if you are visiting without membership it will cost you £20.45 for a family with two adults and up to three children at peak times. So it is no-where near as expensive as some attractions but to be honest you are probably only going to spend a couple of hours there.
Plus Points -
- The views are amazing and you can see for miles, you can even watch the Swanage steam train go past from up there
- They have a fun quest for the children to take part in and there is no additional cost for this and at the end, they receive an NT rubber bracelet, which my kids all thought was great
- It is beautiful, you feel like you are travelling back in time
- In the holiday they have living history events which are always really interesting at NT sites
- The kids dress up area where they could mock fight, they loved this

Low points -
- You need to have your eyes on your kids all the time, as there are loads of sheer drops and places they can hide
- By its very nature, it is all uphill, so it might not be suitable for those who cannot take too much exertion

I can't imagine this is somewhere we will visit again and again, as once you have been round then you have done it in my opinion, but I am really glad we visited and got to see the amazing views and the kids all had fun with the dress up and living history activities, like bowling, shield design and learning about the music and cooking in the Elizabethan age.

Check out all our other National Trust reviews over here.