In March on International Women's Day ONE launched their latest campaign, titled #Poverty is Sexist as it is a sad fact that girls and women the world across are disproportionately impacted by poverty.
Together with Beyoncé, Sheryl Sandberg, Meryl Streep, Angelique Kidjo and others, ONE called on world leaders to unlock the full potential of millions of girls and women by taking real action that leads to real change this year. As I type this so far 150,700 people have signed the Poverty is Sexist petition with ONE, calling on world leaders to make sure that the rights of girls and women are key discussion points at the upcoming summits this summer.
Please do sign the petition if you have not already.
It is now time for phase two and ONE want our help to spread the message that Poverty is Sexist far and wide and this is where we all come in. I've said it before but I'll never tire of saying it, when all us regular people come together and show collectively that something matters to us the powers-to-be have to take notice.
So, ONE wants us to share a #Strengthie and you may be wondering what on earth one of those is, let these strong women show you -

ONE are asking us to take a picture of ourselves in the iconic pose that Rosie had adopted on the right there and to share these images on social media.
We need to show the world we stand #WithStrongGirls everywhere by posting a #strengthie (our own photo version of the iconic ‘Rosie the Riveter’ image) to our social media channels.
Ideally we will share our #Strengthie #WithStrongGirls image with the strong girls and women in our lives by tagging them and encouraging them to take and share a #Strengthie too and then ONE will do the hard bit and make sure the world leaders get to see and know about all our photos and the strength of our protest.

I have to be honest, I felt stupid and fat adopting this pose and taking a photo but when it comes down to it, the message is too important for me to ignore it and thus I had to take the #Strengthie and to share it with you all.
I beg you, please will you join in and take and share a strengthie too?
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