Do you hate people like me? I know many people do and really I don't suppose it is that you hate us, it is more that you would love to be in our position.
Yes, I admit it, I'm on top of the back to school uniform, it is ready for 4th September and yes I realise the kids only broke up from school a day ago (I'm writing this way before you are reading it!) but I enjoy it all being sorted and then I don't have to think about it at all for the next 6 weeks.
My to do list at the beginning of the holiday looked something like this -
- Check plimsolls still fit
- Check what uniform we already have and is it still in good condition?
- Get new uniform to fill in the missing spaces
- Update PE shorts and joggers as they have all grown out of those
- Bin lunchboxes and get new ones that don't smell!
- Girls need new school bags as they go into KS2 and can have their own designs
- Label all new uniform
- Order new school shoes and pray they still fit in September
I'm doing well, I only have the bags and school shoes to go, the rest is sorted and that feels good. This year TU at Sainsburys asked me to buy some of their uniform for the kids and try it out. I've not been asked to review their uniform before but as Sainsburys is my shop of choice the kids have been wearing some of their uniform and I can confirm from a good 7 years experience that it lasts well.
Here is what I bought -

I went to what I would think of as a medium sized Sainsburys and there was a good choice of colours and styles. I needed to get some uniform for my girls (aged 7 years but one is bigger than the other) and my boy (aged 10 years and a giant).
- 2 pack of white short sleeved blouses with really pretty embroidery trim around the bottom - £7
- 2 packs of 3 pack white girls polo shirts - £4.50 per pack (all prices depend on the size you are buying)
- 2 packs of 3 pack unisex white polo shirts - £5.50 per pack
- Girls pleated skirt - £5.50
- 6 pack of grey knee high socks - £6.50
- 2 pack of grey boys trousers - £12
- 2 pack of girls jersey grey trousers - £8
What I liked
There is lots to like about TU school uniform. It is not the cheapest on the market but it represents fantastic value for money as it washes well and keeps its shape and colour. The girls skirt is a fabulous thick material and has stay-in pleats but it is also stylish with a little bow details at the waist. The waist is also adjustable, as is the boys trousers. I liked that there was both jersey type trousers, skirts and dresses as well as the smarter and thicker Teflon coated items. It gives good variety in terms of children's wear preferences and also on price point. The white polo shirts are nice and soft and the buttons are easy for little hands, the seems also seem to be well stitched and put together.
What I didn't like quite so much
The fact that things are sold in two packs, I don't always want two pairs of trousers or two dresses at a time and if I do I often want them in different sizes as I have twins of different sizes. Also the boys trousers are not a very generous fit and actually they were too snug on my larger boy. The polo shirts are perhaps a little longer than I would like, which is of course fine tucked in but as JJ likes to wear his out he will not look so smart as other shorter tops do but this is just a little niggle and will not stop me keeping them.
Keeping school uniform clean
TU asked me what my top tip was for keeping school uniform looking good and I have to be honest and say the first thing that came to mind was that I make my kids wear an apron when they have something messy for their dinner like spaghetti bolognese as I've not found any stain remover that will get that completely out of a white polo shirt.
To be honest I like kids to be kids so if they come home with grass stained knees or glue on their cardi I don't really mind, I find that if you buy a decent quality pair of trousers or skirt/ dress most things just wash out and they still look good anyway. That has certainly been my experience in the past with TU.
Disclosure: Thank you Sainsburys for providing me with a voucher to buy and review some TU uniform. I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.
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