Thursday 12 April 2012

#R2BC - Week 15, Grateful for Spring Harvest

Week 15, how quick times flies, I can hardly believe it!  But I can honestly say I am having a superb year, things are going really well in my life - I am content and blessed. I pray you can say the same or at least you feel there is hope and lighter times are ahead.

You will probably know that we have been away for the last week down to Butlins at Minehead for a big Christian festival called Spring Harvest and it was superb, so this week my reasons to be cheerful all come from holidaying away with my family. The week included all the things I love dearly - my husband, my children, being with God, learning new things, having fun, eating good food and an abundance of singing.

Easter morning, no chocolate in our chalet, the kids made sweetie bracelets to chomp on!

Each morning at 'The Big Start' the children were encouraged to join in and build up a wonderful art project.  JJ loves doing this and has done it every year since he was 3.

Loads of rain and rubbish weather, but it did not dampen our spirits.  The kids loved scooting round the park and it was a test for us to keep up with them.

We sponsor 2 children through Compassion and I was so pleased to see that 371 new children were sponsored during our week at Spring Harvest.

Awesome worship led by Vicky Beeching.  I sang my socks off and loved every moment of it. Have come back signing numerous catchy new tunes...  watch out Church!

And the gorgeous ones who made it all worthwhile!  Miss E - who's favourite part of our holiday was her kids club.

Miss M who loved the new songs, especially O O O O Open the Pages

and JJ, who is partaking in his favourite activity here but actually he said the best part of the week was the family swims and the lazy river in particular.

I have to agree with JJ and say that our family swim sessions were definitely one of my best times when we were away.  It was the 5 of us all having great fun together.  Coming a close second for me were the sessions in the media zone led by Mark Roques, who was a wonderfully nutty man with the most amazing stories which have inspired me.

Then lastly I asked dh what his favourite time was and he said it was being given a S.H.I.N.E (share His incredible news everywhere) penlight for his dancing during the family service.  He was really touched by this.  I found I did not really have any pictures of dh, so here is an odd one of dh and Miss M as they worship together!

So that was my week, how has yours been?  Write a cheery post and let us know what is making you happy, cheerful, grateful or such right now!  Check out #R2BC if you are not sure what we are about.  We are a small but very supportive little network. Link up and share some blogger love.  I'll be over to visit you all this week to comment, So please share some love with me too and comment.

Mich x

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