Friday 1 October 2021

3 Ways to Promote Education in the Home

Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

{This is a collaborative post}

Education is a vital tool and one that will serve us throughout our lives. A good education can set a child on a path for life, but it’s important to make the most of those early years.

Unfortunately, many of us neglected the lessons of our elders as youths, and find ourselves looking back now wishing we’d tried that little bit harder.

It’s never truly too late to turn back the clock, of course, but as parents, we always want better opportunities for our children than the ones we had. That’s why we work so hard to set positive examples and nurture their studies at a young age.

With that in mind, these are just three ways to promote education in the home -

1. Read to your child

Reading to a child from an early age is one of the best ways to foster an early love of literature. It’s also a powerful way to enjoy quality time with them and bond over a story.

By encouraging a love of reading early on, you’ll give them a significant head start in school, as studies show that children who are read to from a young age perform better not just in English, but across the board. It’s also a great hobby to have for life – it’s not too costly, and is even free if you have access to a library!

2. Check-in with your child

It’s always important to check in with your child and find out what they need.

If they’re behind in class or struggling at school in any way, it can often be difficult for them to speak up. Encourage them to come to you with their problems, and ask questions to give them the opportunity to share their feelings.

But don’t just check-in when you’re worried they’re not doing well – make sure you know when they’re performing well, too, and be sure to reward them. Rooster Money is a great app that allows you to keep track of their rewards.  

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

3. Continue your own learning

As a role model, your children look to you for inspiration and a great way to inspire their passion for education is to demonstrate your own.

Don’t just read to them – let them see you turning off the TV to sink into a good book, or share educational podcasts with them in the car.

Studying as an adult is a bit of a pipe dream for many parents. But if you want to go a step further, and your child’s education has inspired you to want to learn more, it’s worth checking out online degrees from the likes of ARU Distance Learning. Their courses are ideal for parents to study around stacked schedules and can be a fantastic stepping stone to career development.

Children emulate what they see. So when they observe your own love of learning, it will spur them on in their own education.

These are just three tips for raising children who love to learn. But how do you encourage your junior intellects? Let me know in the comments below! 

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