I feel a little guilty writing this post, as my experience of lockdown and having self-isolated is quite different to most peoples. As most of you know we live in the grounds of the conference centre where my husband works, and whilst normally we yearn for a little private space, during this lockdown we are super grateful for a closed front gate and 220 acres to roam free in.
Thankfully the time we self-isolated went quickly and no-one developed any symptoms but of course, we have no idea if this is because we've already had the virus, which seems to be the thinking at the moment, that around half of the UK population might already have had it and not even realised. It will be pretty cool if this is the case.
Here's a few fo the things we've been really enjoying over the last couple of weeks -
The board game Azul. As soon as I knew we'd be isolating as a family, I ordered this and I was so glad I did. It can be played with 2 upwards players and it is good fun and takes only about 30 minutes to play.

I've had more time to cook for scratch and we've been enjoying some really good meals -

Getting outdoors together, walking, playing ball, whittling wood or climbing trees. It is so nice to have all 3 kids interacting well together. We also received some spots equipment from Wicked Vision and the kids have been enjoying skipping, frisbee and when the wind stops, we'll play with our 2.5-metre diameter mega bounce ball that we got at Christmas.

I've still been finding time and space to read and have time with the Lord.

Despite not being able to go out, my Mothers day was very nice, with fresh-picked daffs, cards, chocolates and a yummy lamb roasted cooked by my hubby.

We've got orphan lambs here, so the girls are very happy helping out with feeding the five of them, not the early morning feeds, mind! lol

As you can see, life is still good here at Ashburnham Place. I am sad I can't go to church tomorrow though, I'll really miss that.
You'll notice I have mentioned the kids schooling, we'll just gloss over that for this week and hope they knuckle down a bit better in this coming week. Stay well friends, see you soon. Mich xx
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