I know they love our Netflix so one of the first things I do when I return home is tune into my account and look at the 'recently watched' to see what the girls have been watching (not because I'm checking up on them, they are adults after all but) because it gives me some new ideas of films and series that I might like.
In the short time we were gone on our last break they seem to have had some mammoth viewing sessions in between their working hours. I'll share with you some of the ones I like the look of -

GREEK - After finishing all the episodes of Gossip Girl I really need a new series that is lighthearted watching for me to dip in and out of while I'm doing the housework and cooking and this college based one looks just right.
BUCK - I would not have even noticed this documentary but having read the introduction I think my little Miss M will really enjoy this as she loves animals, particularly horses and with the glowing reviews from other Netflix viewers I don't think I can ignore it, just look at this one -
"Simply outstanding. Buck and his family are wonderful. This documentary has an honestly inspiring message, and his respect, not just for horses but people too, is moving. He survived heart-breaking brutality and emerged with integrity, compassion and empathy. This is a film for everyone, not just horse lovers."
FOOTLOOSE - is a complete classic and I've not watched it quite a few times, but it is one of those films that I can watch again and again. The one on Netflix is the 2011 remake which I have seen and enjoyed before, so I'll save this for a Friday night when hubby is at work and I can have a girlie night, perhaps doing my nails and a facepack.
I see the girls have watched a number of dance movies and these will be really popular with my twins. They love anything that they can imitate and I have cartwheels and stretches across the front room for hours afterwards! I give you Dance-off, 1 Chance 2 dance and Dance with Me.

There also seemed to be an ice dancing theme going on and again I'm thankful for this as I know these movies will be enjoyed with a hot chocolate and some popcorn. I think JJ might groan a bit so Ill have to find something more boyish for him, he tends to like the spy type movies like Cody Banks and they have both of those on Netflix too.

I'm busy saving up all these ideas for family viewing as there is nothing I like more than cosying up with the family on a dark winters afternoon/ early evening and having a night in. With the cost of cinema tickets raising more than house prices it is pretty had to justify a cinema trip with all the family, it means I'm looking at about £40 for one trip and then a good £15 or more on top for snacks. Whereas we can stay in and enjoy loads of good movies and programs on Netflix for just £5.99 per month and buy the snacks from the supermarket at a fraction of the cost of the cinema.
I've also noticed there are some great new additions to Netflix for November and once the kids are in bed I'm sure my hubby and I will enjoy the following -

It won't be hot chocolate and popcorn with those movies though, ore like a few glasses of wine and a snuggle up in the dark!
There really is so much on Netflix and for a subscription of just £6.99 per month I think it is an absolute snip!
Disclosure: I have received a years free membership to Netflix and a free device to become part of the #Streamteam. They have not instructed me what to write and I remain honest, as always.

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