If you asked me last week if I wanted the kids to go back to school I'd have told you no, I'm not ready. Summer has gone too quick and I want to spend more time with them but actually they went back to school today and I know it is a good thing. They need the discipline and routine and actually I need some time to myself and time to focus on what needs to be achieved right now.
My husband and I had lunch together today and then sat on the bridge and really chatted, not one interruption from a little person and it was perfect. I just need to make sure I make the most of every day as I never know when things will change and I might be back in a full time job or living in a major town again.
I thought I'd do myself an Autumn bucket list to focus myself and remember where my priorities are, this is what you will find me doing in autumn and it can probably all be summed up as taking care of myself.
What about you, have you set some goals?

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