Thursday 11 August 2011

#R2BC - Week 32, Enjoying Every Moment!

Yesterday was not the best day in the world and when I have one of those days I try to reflect back on it moment by moment to remember all the times in the day that I was blessed. This is a simple list of all the reasons I had to be cheerful yesterday -

  • I woke up after a good, sound nights sleep which had started with a wonderful cuddle with my hubbie
  • I got to stay in bed and read my bible alone while the kids behaved and played
  • I enjoyed my porridge for breakfast and the kids ate all theirs up
  • I wrote a blog post that had been brewing for a while
  • I went swimming for a couple of hours with the kids and we had fun
  • I caught the sun while swimming and now have a nice glow (well OK bit of sunburn!)
  • I got to sit down in the park for an hour with a load of Mummy friends while the kids all played
  • I wrote a letter from the heart that I really needed to write and had the guts to send it
  • Dinner was yummy, served on time and dh cleared it all up
  • Miss E and I spent 45 mins on our own before bed having girl time
  • I spent an enjoyable hour alone, doing nails, defluffing that sort of thing!
  • I chilled with a cuppa & my hubbie and watched some trashy TV
  • Then finished the night with 1/2 hour reading my book

Sounds terrible doesn't it? Of course I missed out the rubbish stuff  that went on but when you focus on just the positives you are reminded just how blessed you really are!

Another reason to be cheerful - a fab day out at Whipsnade with great friends on Saturday

Over to you, what is making you cheery this week? If you are new to Reasons to be Cheerful, then check out HERE and then link up a cheery/ gratitude post from the last week.

Thanks for joining in. Visit others and leave them some comment love and don't forget to tweet with #R2BC. I am having a bloggy break this week so I have to be honest and say I won't be round to visit anyone but I will be back with full force to see everyone later in August.  You know, sometimes it is just really important to take some time with your family and not to be blog focused?  Well that is this next week for me.

Then over the next few weeks I have some superb guest hosts looking after #R2BC, so make sure you go and visit them and link up (I certainly will be), here is the schedule -
Week 33 Thursday 18th August                        Glass Half Full
Week 34 Thursday 25th August                        Seasider in the City
Week 35 Thursday 1st September                    How to Laugh in the face of it all
Week 36 Thursday 8th September                    Bod for Tea
Week 37 Thursday 15th September                  A Matter of Choice
Week 38 Thursday 22nd September                 Mum of all Trades

Have a marvellous week, catch you all soon.  Mich x

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