Wednesday 18 November 2020

Reasons to be Cheerful - Sharing a Little Lockdown Cheer

It's been a while since I shared one of my happy posts and of course, I know that remembering to be grateful makes a massive difference in my life. So here is my long-overdue update of many of the things in my life that are making me cheerful and thankful right now.

An easy one to start us off. I've been enjoying doing some baking during this lockdown and I'm very pleased to say that my bakes have been turning out really well. Here we have choc chip banana bread, chocolate brownies and lemon cake. 

I'm working through a series with my church at the moment called Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and I'm finding it very useful as I realised a few months ago that I have been stifling my emotions for about the last decade and it is time for me to start feeling again and acknowledging the joys and hurts of life. 

I've been spending time in one of our prayer rooms that is filled with an art installation called 1000 bottles of tears. I've been using the bottles to try and help me release some of my repressed emotions. I've managed tears in my eyes twice now, which feels like progress! (Not everyone's kind of reason to be cheerful I realise, but I'm pleased!)

I had a nice walk in Hastings the other day and the sun was shining brightly, I like the way it cast a reflection from this scuplture. 

Myself and a couple of other people arranged a prayer day for the community we live within last Friday for the national day of prayer for our nation and beyond in the midst of the Coronavirus. We names our day from pandemic to peace and it was a great day. 

Miss M has been self isolating (due to someone in school testing positive) and it has been great spending lots of time with her. I've been proud of how well she has got on with her work and she's been super helpful and made me some yummy crispie cakes too. 

This little fella makes me smile all the time. I am so pleased we have him and I never thought I'd say that. as I'm not a cat person. 

Just before we had this new lockdown, my husband and I headed out to a local pub for lunch and it was so good. We;ll definitely go there again. I had stuffed pork with mash and veggies. 

This next picture isn't mine, a friend sent it to me, but that is a rainbow just behind my house, so she knew I'd like it. Rainbows always remind me there is hope and I need to hold onto that at the moment as I am working through lots of stuff and making myself available for change and growth.

I've had some lovely distanced walks with friends in the last couple of weeks and amazing chats as we have walked. It's so good to remian connected even when  things are not normal and we can't all meet. Thank the Lord the rain has stayed away so we can do this. 

The last thing I am grateful for is my husband helping to organise the meals for our community on the weekends during lockdown. We have had some great food and it has been fun to see people cooking and getting involved that don't normally. He has come home tired but it's good to see him animated and having enjoyed his day, even if it was hard work. 

I'm so grateful for all the blessings in my life, especially living in this amazing place with so many wonderful people and the freedom to practise my faith without fear or restriction.