Sunday 11 August 2013

Update for #GetGoodSummer

A few weeks back I joined in with Claire at Clarina’s Contemplations link-up for #GetGoodSummer, she asked us all to set some goals for this summer to make sure that the time did not whizz past before we noticed and realised our time had been wasted.

I set my goals and knew that I would not really start this challenge until August when I arrived in my new house but I forgot to mention this to anyone so the other joiners probably just think I have been a flake and have bailed out – not so!

Here is a recap of my five goals and an update on how things have been going –

1) Spend time with God every day – I did really well with this on my holiday and made sure I had some private study time each day but then last weekend and this week have flown by with the house move – to be expected I suppose. I was pleased to get back on track last Saturday with an early morning prayer walk. Something I have been doing each day and I intend to keep up.... forever!

One of the reminders as I take my morning walk

2) Prioritise the kids above my house – Well it is early days with this one as we have only been here a short while and obviously there is a certain amount of time I had to dedicate to unpacking and sorting the house but it is now in a liveable condition and I am making sure I do something with the kids every day and JJ is being great at making sure we all have family time together – be it a meal, walk round the lake or game of basketball.

3) Get moving – I have been trying to move more. There is so much land here that it would be hard not to, JJ is pestering me to kick the ball around with him, the basketball net in the staff garden is tempting and I’ve already mentioned my daily morning walk which I intend to keep up. I have been sent a FitBit flex wristband to review and it will be good to challenge myself and see how many steps I am managing to do in a day. So far so good and my best day is just over 23,000 steps.

View of my daily lakeside walk

4) Eat mindfully – this is the one I need to work on. I've not really made any conscious effort on this one yet but I've had a parcel arrive from Diet Chef and I'm going to try their programme out for a month. I'm praying that will be a good kick start to healthy eating ongoing. I need to shrink my stomach, remind myself of portion sizes and eat slowly.

5) Tell dh I love him every day - I forgot this one! How bad is that, but now I have remembered that is the good news and I need to get on to it!

So that us me and my brief update, I'll be back in a week or so to report back in again.

What about you? How is your summer going? Did you set any goals?
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