Friday 20 March 2009

Doesn't the sun make you smile?

I love this time of year, in fact more so this year than any other time. Perhaps I am becoming more appreciative in my old age. You can tell I am getting old as I am so excited that I can start to hang my washing out again on the line. Every load hung out there is a pound saved on the tumble dryer and in these times of crazy energy bills, boy is that saving needed.

Everyone seems a little happier when the sun is out and even my internet friends all seem that bit more chirpy, even though we are only talking in cyberspace.

We have been taking advantage of this lovely Spring weather as you just never know what will happen in the UK, it could be snowing again tomorrow. So off we go to the park again after school with all JJ's little chums from school. The girls love being there with the big kids and fall over constantly but that does not seem to worry them as they are let loose and I think they secretly plot to run in oppsoite directions and see just how ragged they can get Mummy! Oh well, it is only an hour and then I am off out with the school mums tonight for a good laugh. The last night we spent the night together I got home at 2.45am! I do trust this evening will be an earlier one....