Saturday 16 April 2022

Life's Changed: Reasons to be Cheerful

Hey friends, I hope you're well? It's been a long time since we caught up as life is changing for me and I just don't find the time or the enthusiasm to sit down and blog in the way I used to. I supposed it is to be expected. I wrote my first blog post in May 2008 and it is now April 2022, fourteen years later. That's a long time to keep a hobby going.

In truth, my hobby turned into a job. One that was convenient and allowed me to be available for my family and to do lots of volunteering, whilst earning some money. But I never loved it. Being self-employed and blogging has never given me the satisfaction of previous jobs, where I felt needed and fully immersed. 

I'm so glad to say that I'm back in a job like that, well more correctly, God has revealed to me it is a ministry rather than a job, as it is His work I am doing and His will I'm following. Back in January, I was appointed as the Project Manager for the Bexhill and Battle foodbanks and as the first paid member of staff for Churches Together in Bexhill I knew it would hold some challenges but since I started on March 1st I have fallen in love with my role, with my team, with my clients, with all the possibilities for a better future service, for serving Jesus in a way that is really needed.

I'm away at Spring Harvest at the moment, the Christian conference that I have gone to most every since (excepting Covid) since around 2005. This has been the best time for me, as God has revealed so much about the future and how I should manage and take forward the foodbanks. I now have a guiding bible verse and ideas for the future. Where I saw blockers before, I now see opportunities in His perfect timing. 

There has been some adjusting, of course, the family are having to get used to me being home less and being a bit preoccupied at times. I'm realising I'm going to have to be strict with myself or I may never do anything else except work for the food bank again and my house will descend into disarray. But I feel fulfilled and very happy.

I've been lucky enough to still be picking up bits of (easy) paid work for this blog and I'm going to keep doing them as they'll hopefully allow my family to have the October break in the Canary Islands that I am dreaming of. It means my old rules of one commercial post and at least one personal one has gone out the window, but that's life. It's my blog and it is allowed to change and grow into whatever suits me. 

I still have my blog and I think if I'm going to write anywhere about me and life in general in the future then that will be the place where you'll find it. So, if you're one of my mates or my dedicated followers from years gone by then keep an eye on Not Perfection and that is where you'll see me pop up from time to time. Especially if you're interested to see if I do finally lose all this weight I've been carrying and hating for decades. I plan to start the Cambridge Diet later in April and I'm hoping for some good weight loss as I'm putting 100% in. There is no other option really, at 50 next year my body can not take all this excess weight and I have all sorts of ailments because of it. 

But enough wittering on about me, in true Mummy form the Heart style, this post needs to be an expression of my gratitude, so here are my reasons to be cheerful -

  1. I've had an amazing holiday at Spring Harvest with my family. 
  2. God has spoken clearly to me this week
  3. I'm so happy to finally have my ministry where I feel as if I am serving the Lord
  4. My JJ is getting ready to go to Uni in September
  5. His biologics continue to work and he is now mostly clear of psoriasis plaques, this makes such a difference to him
  6. My girls are divine, I can't share specifics about them but I'm so proud of them both
  7. I have the long weekend ahead to chill and get sorted for a busy week
  8. Easter Sunday will be fun with my church family
  9. I'm still getting some self-employed work, which I can save for a holiday
  10. The weather has been lovely this last week. I certainly didn't expect that of Skegness
  11. I had a nice afternoon yesterday with the girls exploring Skegness town
  12. We also had fun late-night swimming yesterday, it is ages since I've been in a pool and I must do it more often
  13. I'm off for a yummy Butlins full English breakfast in a minute, I've really been enjoying those (whilst I still can)
  14. My cold is mostly gone and I feel so much better than I did. Thank you Beechams all in one, my miracle cure!
  15. I'm looking forward to seeing my boy when I get home tonight

I suspect I could keep sharing but it's time to go and pack the car, so farewell friends, stay well and catch you later!  Mich xx

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