Friday 30th December
2.00pm Leaving home, Maccy D’s for lunch – We know how to live!
3.15pm Premier Inn Euston, divine! Room so big, I'm over the moon
4.00pm Bus to Oxford Street, kids so excited. Let’s go see the lights!
4.20pm ohh have you seen Debenhams on Oxford Street. It’s a rainbow shouts Miss E!
5.30pm Hamleys is so busy & hot. Even my phone has misted up! Get me out of here…
7.30pm Carpet picnic for late tea, the kids think this is ace. How I love the simple pleasures in life.
10pm yap, yap, yap will those 4 year olds ever go to sleep. 1 room and 5 people is not a match made in heaven.
Saturday 31st December 2011
8am Woo hoo, how did it get to 8am without any of the kids waking yet! Read for 1/2 hr I reckon.
9.30am Oh JJ how much inclusive breakfast can you eat boy? You are like a waste disposal unit!
11am NYE is the day for the Science Museum - never seen it so empty - result!
1.45pm Should have worn my other boots, ouch. Are we nearly there yet?
2.45pm Lunch over & quick trip to Westfield. Surely the kids do not need more Build-A-Bears?
4.30pm Apparently they do, £78 later & time to go back to the hotel.
5.30pm Carpet picnic take 2 and all ready and in bed by 6.30pm - divine. I am in heaven! Dh and JJ head off to his work.
8pm £5 for 1 hours wifi, ahh I am not paying that but I will get twiter & blog withdrawal surely??
8.30pm Little Ladies finally asleep. Alan Carr for company, luckily he is making me laugh.
Sunday 1st January 2012
12.20am My boy arrives home, what kind of time is this? He is 8 years old! but had an amazing time apparently.
4am Will the police sirens please bloody stop! ENOUGH
9am Breakfast part me, the girls and I! Behaved like little angels, thank you Lord!
10.45am Breakfast part 2, the dirty stop-out boys. Dh had got back in at 2.30am apparently.
12noon Piccadilly is chocka, go home peps, we want to actually see the parade, thanks.
2pm Hello, it's Britain - welcome rain and not just any rain but a mega downpour. 5 drowned rat look alikes off home
4.30pm I'm home and I'm happy. Washing on and now to eat something, been good all day. Welcome 2012 and the new me.
Happy New Year one and all. I wish you love, luck and happiness in 2012. Be blessed. Mich x