Monday 4 April 2011

'You Iron on a Saturday Evening?', Review & Giveaway

I often get strange looks when I tell people that I like to iron.  I have started to whisper it now as I realise that it makes me a bit of a leper amongst the group of mums who like to boast about how they never iron anything.  'I only buy clothes you can put in the tumble dryer and then shake out' I hear them say.  Well like I always say, each to their own.....  personally mine never shake out well enough for a perfectionist like me.

Give me a Saturday night of good cheesy TV, preferably X Factor, Casualty and maybe a stand up comedy show and I am a happy girl.  I can easily stand and iron for a couple of hours in front of the TV. Ironing is something I have grown up with, my Mum does not like it too much so it was something I did to earn my pocket money and help out at home.  I love the satisfaction of watching the ironing basket shrink and knowing that anything we want to wear is in the cupboard. As I have got older and busier the things that I iron have diminished, we do get into bed with creased sheets and the tea towels remain crinkled but that matters not to me.  It does matter to me that when my family leave our house we take pride in our appearance and look good in our well ironed clothes.

Shall I show you what a sense of satisfaction looks like to me?  There we go, 20 minutes of ironing mid week to keep the basket down!  Note they are all children's clothes, they seem to be wear double what dh and I do!

When Morphy Richards approached me and asked if I would like to trial and review one of their irons I said of course, I am more than happy to.  I was sent the latest Comfigrip iron which retails for £79.99.  This iron is full of features, all the usual ones you would expect like extra long cord, self clean, water spray and shot of steam. My favourite feature being the trizone (ceramic) plate which means that the iron glides like on silk on all fabrics, it was a beautiful smooth iron to use.  The extra large water tank and filling hole was also a little extra that made a difference to me. No fiddling around, this is well thought out and easy to use. I think any accomplished ironer would agree that constant steam is a must to get a good precise finish and this iron is great as you can adjust the levels and there is even an eco option so you can save up to 23% energy.

My one qualm with this iron is that it is heavier than ones I am used to and for me it became more uncomfortable to iron after long periods of time. So I would say this iron is perfect for someone who either does not have a lot to iron but wants a professional finish or who irons small amounts on a regular basis rather than someone like me who does a mass iron for a  good couple of hours. On the whole this is a very good iron and I am happy to recommend it, the results from using it are excellent. Lastly, just one more feature that I should mention is the auto-standby, I can imagine this would be fabulous for those with a younger baby who may just demand their attention right now while they are ironing,  You can literally run off and feel happy that the iron will shut off after 1 minute inactive face down and 8 minutes inactive in its upright position.

Here is the iron, pretty stylish right?  Or can you not get as excited about an iron as I can?

So what about you?  Do you like ironing?  Go on, you can admit it here.  This  is a safe place, all us people who actually like to clean and launder can come out the closet and celebrate being just a little bit house proud together. Talking of being house proud, why don't you take a look at the Morphy Richards site Home of the House Proud.  It is full of wonderful inspiration for cleaning, ironing, cooking and other domestic tasks.  At the moment you can enter a fun competition to be crowned the World Ironing Champion, winning a gold iron and £500. Take a look, there are three different categories you can enter, more information here.


Now is the chance for one of you to win the very iron that I road-tested.  So this is an iron that has been used about 5 times and is in perfect as-new condition.  I will send the iron from here at my own expense.

To enter -
  • You need to leave a comment on here with a way I can contact you if you are the lucky winner (email or twitter ID)
  • For an extra entry you can tweet '#win a superb iron in @michelletwinmum's #giveaway'
Terms and Conditions -
  • The giveaway closes at noon on 11 April 2011
  • The winner will be contacted within 3 days of the giveaway closing
  • The prize is not transferable and there is no cash alternative
  • The prize will only be posted to a UK address due to the cost of postage
  • You have read and accept that this is a road-tested iron that has been used 5 times
Congratulations to Helen at Casa Costello.  You are the lucky winner, please email or DM me your address and I will post the iron out to you.

This is a  review post.  I was sent the iron for the purposes of this review.  My words and opinions are my own and I was not instructed what to write.