Hello friends, how are you today? I am feeling chipper as it is the first Saturday in forever that it hasn't rained! yay
It's been a really good week and I need to celebrate that with a Reasons to be Cheerful post. It's just going to be short and sweet, but sometimes they are the best ones -
I finished work, but I may still work for them....
You may have read that I wasn't loving the job I started 5.5 months ago. It's weird as I'd been yearning to get back into the work place for over five years and I absolutely love the company I had gone to work for. I even really liked the people I worked with, but due to the yearly cycle of the work it meant there would be a number of quieter months every year and that just isn't for me. I've been described as a machine before! I love to churn work out and get that sense of satisfaction. Also the journey turned out to pretty awful some days, taking 90 minutes.
However it looks as if I'll be doing some freelance work still as they don't want to recruit to my job now. So I can work from home! yay
Realising how others see you
In the week I was leaving there was a couple of telling conversations that were really lovely to hear and ponder on. First a couple of colleagues were having a chat about 'get up and go' as in it means just that - to leave, but also it describes someone with energy, enthusiasm and initiative. Then one of my colleagues, said it was like me.
Also, the day I left they gave me some truly beautiful flowers and another colleague that they were bright and vibrant, like me.

I've decided that having realised I am in a season on mothering right now and that I am supposed to be home to be available to my family, that I will take on more freelance work. Not too much that I feel bogged down, but actually being brave and saying yes, freelance is my work and I can make a good living from it. It has always been one of those things I have kept small and not taken full credit for, but no longer hiding!
The diet starts Monday
I went out Friday morning to drop the kids to school (to celebrate being able to do so again) and get some shopping and treated myself to a coffee and a nice cooked breakfast. I also bought cake on the way home and my these are my final forays, as Monday I start on quite a strict VLCD (very low calorie diet) to kick start myself into losing some weight and getting healthier.
I don't intend to do the VLCD (I'm going to be trying out a new one to me, Save & Slim) but I'm looking forward to the discipline of it, shrinking my stomach/ appetite and really getting into a routine of good eating and exercise.

And now I need to finish up as my husband and I are just heading out to have dinner with the Minster and his wife from our new church. I've made a Malteaser cheesecake and I hope it will be good, as it is the first time I have tried! Here it is in the fridge earlier and I am pleased to say it has set fine!
Wishing you a fabulous rest of the weekend! Mich x
I'll be linking up with Becky at Lakes Single Mum for Reasons to be Cheerful once she has a post up! lol