Anyway better late than never. Thanks Kate for the nudge to get posting. Here are this weeks things that are making me cheery -
1. A lovely evening walk with Miss E
The other night Miss E and I set out for a walk together, we ended up being out about an hour and took so many photos, it was so lovely to just amble along together and chat about nothing in particular. All whilst taking tons of photos.
2. Tomorrow is an Inset Day
My girls have the day off school and as such the three of us are heading down to see my parents for the night. Friday we are heading to Polesden Lacey National Trust and then Saturday will be a more chilled day with Granddad taking the girls swimming and probably a trip to the park too.
3. Baking Home Learning
On Wednesday night I took JJ to his Police Cadets and was out for a few hours. Whilst I was out my husband helped the girls to make a home learning project each. Their theme this term is art and Miss E wanted to make a biscuit paint pallet and Miss M a modern art cake. They all appeared to have great fun and I'm super grateful I didn't have to be involved!

So for me its a 4 day weekend, a couple of days with the girls and my parents, Sunday as a chill day and then Monday all the family are off to Hever Castle and yay, the weather is supposed to be good. We've been trying to get there for a couple of months now and it keeps raining. I just pray the forecast is true.
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