Friday 22 September 2017

Yum, Enjoying Fresh Pressed Juice

I live in the most wonderful community. Once a month all the families meet to purposefully do something to get the children together who live on-site, there are now 17 of them and they range in age from 8 weeks to 14 years. It isn't easy to try and arrange something they all want to get involved with and to be honest my JJ has pretty much bailed out as the nearest boy in age to him is about 11 years younger!

Sometimes these meetings are real corkers, in the summer we had one where they all slid down a hill on a massive tarpaulin with water, last month they swam and had chips on the beach and this time we headed down to our walled garden. We have a fab couple here who manage this walled garden as an employability project to help people who are long-term unemployed develop new skills and regain confidence. It has been such a success since it started three years ago.

Last year at Harvest time Nick got all the children to help pick the apples so they could go off to be juiced as we have our own Ashburnham Place apple juice to sell. This year he went one better as he had invested in an apple press so we could juice our own.

First off the kids got the last of the apples off our trees and then picked some beetroot and rhubarb to compliment the apple and provide us with a variety of juices.

press your apples from the garden along with other fruit and vegetables to produce delicious and nutritious juices all the family will love

press your apples from the garden along with other fruit and vegetables to produce delicious and nutritious juices all the family will love

press your apples from the garden along with other fruit and vegetables to produce delicious and nutritious juices all the family will love

Then it was time for us all to set to work and get the fruit ready for juicing. First, the fruit all needs an external wash.

press your apples from the garden along with other fruit and vegetables to produce delicious and nutritious juices all the family will love

Then it needs chopping into smaller rough pieces so it can easily be shredded for juicing. 

press your apples from the garden along with other fruit and vegetables to produce delicious and nutritious juices all the family will love

press your apples from the garden along with other fruit and vegetables to produce delicious and nutritious juices all the family will love

Once the apples are shredded up they can then go in the press and the heavy works starts but it is so satisfying watching that juice come running out.

press your apples from the garden along with other fruit and vegetables to produce delicious and nutritious juices all the family will love

press your apples from the garden along with other fruit and vegetables to produce delicious and nutritious juices all the family will love

The finished products, we have apple juice, apple and rhubarb and apple and beetroot, which was really delicious and of course looked beautiful too.

press your apples from the garden along with other fruit and vegetables to produce delicious and nutritious juices all the family will love

Thanks so much to Nick for a wonderful educational time. 

Why not pin this post for later?

press your apples from the garden along with other fruit and vegetables to produce delicious and nutritious juices all the family will love