Saturday, 14 January 2017

6 Great Slimming World Blogs to Encourage You

Some of this weeks yummy meals

Hey friends, it is week 2 on my Slimming World Journey and it has been a bit of an odd week. My usual weigh in day is Saturday and I should have been weighing today but I'm volunteering at the night shelter and then doing a first aid course so I couldn't go. This meant I had to weigh at the other class which is a Tuesday evening, rather than my Saturday first thing and I was a tad sad to see the scales said I'd put on a pound.

I'm not sure what made it say that but I had been being good and my perseverance will pay off, it can't not! So I am putting ti down to an evening as adverse to a morning weigh-in and that you can't really accurately judge anything after just 3 days. I have to weight in again this coming Tuesday as we are away next weekend so that will be a truer reading.

I'll be honest with you, I haven't found it massively easy to stay on track. Thee is just so much I enjoy and want to eat but I know I have made such progress, so it is good and I'll keep at it.

I've been seeking out lots of inspiration from other slimmers and wanted to share six great blogs I've found where the ladies have been sharing about their Slimming World weight losses and sharing tips and recipes -

Life According to Mrs Shilts
I've known Emma (or Mrs Shilts) on Twitter and via her blog since the early days of me blogging back in 2008/9 and she has always been a stalwart follower of the Slimming World plan having lost 5 stone. She has really embraced it as a plan for life and I'd like to recommend this post where she shares a week on the Extra Easy plan and lost 7.5lbs in that one week. Also I have to give a shout-out to Diet Coke chicken as a few friends have recommended this to me.

A Matter of Choice
EmsyJo at A Matter of Choice has loads of Slimming World related posts as she lost 4 stone back in 2007 and has used the lessons learnt many times over the last decade. Here are a few fab recipe ideas from her blog - Half syn roulade, Syn free pancakes and Emsy's favourite Weetabix Cake. which is 3.5 syns per portion.

I've loved watching Kate at WitWitWoo's journey during 2016 and she is looking super fit now. Everything about her blog will inspire and motivate you to keep going with this journey. This post about loving your body no matter what it is like is a real winner and this one listing 5 staple foods that Kate uses as part of her slimming world plan is good for newcomers.

The Slimming Foodie
This is a new blog to me but as soon as I found it, I loved it. There are so many recipes that  am adding to my treasure trove and need to try them out - like 1/2 Syn Brownies, Chicken Pizzaiola, Mexican layered chicken bake or Oat and blueberry pancakes with toasted almonds and honey, just 6 syns for this mega treat.

Again this is another new to me blog but Fopperholic is written by Nikki who managed to lose 3 stone in 3 months on Slimming World and the really impressive bit, she has maintained it for over 15 years and now is a Slimming World consultant. As you'd expect there are loads of great recipes on her blog and also many a motivational post, like this one. I also found her low-down on how to use quark super useful too.

Just Average Jen
The last blog I want to recommend is Just Average Jen. This was recommended to me about a month ago and it is amazing, like the ultimate Slimming World resource and inspiration as Jen has lost 10 stone and looks amazing, take a peek at her YouTube video and see for yourself. She has all kinds of posts on her blog and I can't wait to try the mixed vegetable biryani as I do love a good curry. Then lastly I want to shout out about her latest post directed at all friends and family of someone trying to lose weight.

I hope you enjoy checking out my finds. Have an amazing week, Mich x
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