Thursday 22 September 2016

Meeting up After 14 Years! #R2BC

What a fantastic weekend I had last week. I just want to do it all again but alas that won't be possible for some years yet.

Fourteen years ago I got married and all my wonderful Uni girlfriends were there by my side and one of them was my bridesmaid, having surprised me by making the trip from New Zealand without my knowledge that she was doing so. It was truly awesome.

The day after my wedding was the last time I saw Megan, that is until last Saturday. I am both surprised and not at all surprised to find that it was as if no time at all had passed and we were able to chat away in the same manner as we had all those years back.

It was 25 years ago that I had arrived in Bournemouth to share a hotel room for the first six months of University with a girl I had never met before. That girl was Megan and we just clicked. The next three years were spent pretty much in each others pockets, living together, partying together and studying together. When we left Uni we remained fantastic friends and only lived about 8 miles part so we saw each other most weeks despite us both working and being in serious relationships.

During our time at Uni there was also Julia who lived with us from the start and then when I moved out after three years Kate moved in to my room and another friend Lizzie was often around too. After leaving Uni the five of us would meet most months in London to go to a really fabulous restaurant, the kind you paid £60 - £100 per head back in the 1990's. All of us had been hospitality students and a couple of us had trained as chefs too so we were gastronomes,

Well, this last weekend Megan was finally back from New Zealand (where she had emigrated to some 15 years ago) and of course we had to have a fabulous girls weekend, Four of us started in the Monmouth Coffee Company in Borough Market and we laughed until our bellies hurt. In fact we made the whole cafe laugh with the silly face cards that Megan had bought with her!

Then after we headed over to Wandsworth Common and an old haunt of ours. The first picture below is of the five of us enjoying dinner at Chez Bruce back in 1998. The one below it is us all again last Saturday. Sadly we didn't sit in the same seats but Kate had gone to the trouble of requesting the same table.

After a four hour lunch it was time for four of us to move on and we headed over to the Shard to watch the sun set over London. Lizzie's lovely beau treated us all to some fantastic cocktails and we did a lot of catching up.

Then Megan, Kate and myself headed back to Herts to stay at Kate's and she cooked us a tremendous English breakfast the next day. It really was the most fabulous weekend and we have said we have to recreate it again before we hit 60!

Thanks so much to Kate for planning us a great day and to Megan for travelling the 11,388 miles to see us all!

Can you tell I am still on a high?

Now, over to you, why not join in?
It's now your turn. Why don't you write a post and link it up with us? The Reasons to be Cheerful gang have always been a friendly and inclusive group, so if you join in and visit others to comment, I know you'll find the same happens for you and if you fancy adding a link or my badge (below) please feel free to do so but no pressure.

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Wishing you a fabulous week and I look forward to reading your posts. Mich x

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart

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