Thursday 5 March 2015

Joyful and blessed #R2BC #sharethejoy

What a lovely week I am having and it is not over yet. I thought I'd share my reasons to be cheerful for each day this week -

Monday I had lunch with a very special lady who is so caring and warm, really great to get to know her a bit more and spend time chatting. She also gave me my first bunch of daffs for the year and these are making me smile each time I go into the kitchen.

Then Tuesday I drove to Eastbourne and all through the journey I was praising God for the amazing countryside I get to drive through, I love seeing the South Downs as my backdrop and then drawing close to the beach and my calm being restored. My reason for a trip to Eastbourne was to have coffee and lunch with the lovely Anya of Older Single Mum fame, we had a really lazy day and just sat and yapped away for a few hours. It is always good to see her and catch up. I had meant to get a selfie of us together but I didn't remember until I was in the car on the way home! doh

Wednesday was my small group from church and I'm lucky to have joined with a group of older people. Today we shared testimonies and heard again and again how good God is. It is a real privilege to have all these wise and Godly men and women to learn from. I was talking about being concerned to do the right things as a Christian parent and wanting to play my part in helping my children to have a relationship with the Lord.  How good it was to hear about a diverse range of ways that they parented their children and they are still close to the Lord decades later.

Thursday, I actually have some free time today after weighing in at Slimming World and this means I can do some housework and catch up with some blog posts. I know it is not the most glamorous of days but it will make me happy to catch up.

Then Friday I am volunteering all day and I love being useful, so I have great expectations for this day!

The weekend, my parents arrive on Saturday to stay for a few days and it will be great to spend time with them, including my Dad's birthday. As a bonus the kids have an inset day on Monday so we can all go out together.

I'm joining up with Michelle at Bod for Tea for her share the joy linky and also Becky at Lakes Single Mum for Reasons to be Cheerful.

Share the Joy linky at