One of the things I plan to do regularly is go for an evening stroll round our grounds with one of the kids. Miss E and I went for one earlier this week and it was so good to have that one-on-one time. We chatted about everything and nothing and both of us with our cameras enjoyed the silence too.
We started on the main terrace and headed out to the woods above front water.

This was growing as a weed but looked glorious.

Miss E loves to find a large stick each time we go walking

Walk nearly completed and we get to watch the sun go down over Ashburnham, with the stunning swans swimming past.

A few moments after this we had tears as I had lost her beloved pheasant feather than she had found.

Then as we reached home the sun literally disappeared over the hill, but that beautiful pink sky meant a fabulous next day.

Thanks for coming on our evening stroll with us. Mich and Miss E xxx
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