Thursday 28 June 2012

#R2BC - Week 26 - Exciting Journeys...

Hello all, I hope you are well. I am in a funny place today, not unhappy you understand, just feeling a bit nothing and I don't like it. I think I have too much going round my mind at the moment.

I'm off to a work conference later on today but to be honest I'd rather stay home and be with my family. I feel as if I have been very busy just lately and I need some down time. I am pretty sure I am heading for a serious bloggy break over the summer to recharge my batteries. If you fancy guest hosting #R2BC one (or more) weeks over the summer then let me know and we will get a rota organised. Email me on mummyfromtheheart (at) virginmedia (dot) com.

So following on with the alphabet theme from recent weeks I will be starting my reasons to be cheerful with the letter E this week. I have discovered that E is a hard letter to work with, my first thoughts were eggs and elephants but I have to be honest and say I did not have that much gratitude for them right now!

So maybe I’m cheating a bit, but you know – my blog, my rules -

Exciting Journey-

It is only a month away from our family trip to Yorkshire. We are off to the Sand le Mere holiday village and all the family are super excited. For the last 3 weekends in a row I have been away without the kids and it is just too much. I need to be with my family and what better place to do this than staying in a luxury lodge and enjoying a part of the country that we have not visited before. I can't wait to play frisbee on the beach, watch the kids enjoy the mini disco and take some long leisurely walks, enjoying the beautiful area we are staying in.

Expeditions –

Then in the last 2 weeks because of my blog I have been offered two totally different but equally wonderful expeditions.  I can’t really say too much yet, as we are just in the early stages of planning but needless to say I am feeling very humbled at the moment that my blog and me might be able to do something for the greater good and in the process I will get to go on two life changing journeys.
To say I am scared is an understatement, what if I let them down? What if my writing is not good enough? What if I cannot muster up enough support back home to make the trips really successful? Then on the flip side I have complete butterflies in my tummy and I cannot control the bubble of excitement that is growing. There is so much organisation that I will need to do - visas to sort, clothes to buy, posts to write and family to organise.  Then on that note I need to mention my
Exceptional hubbie –
I have to just say yet again that I have a truly amazing husband, it is not many men who would consider letting you go abroad in both October and December and leave them for a week at a time to organise the kids and home. Having been to India on a mission trip himself he knows this will be massive and they are opportunities not to be missed.
And I think I’ll leave it there as now what I need to do is the ironing before I go away.  Real life does not stop just because I want to blog sadly!
Why don’t you join in this week?  Yes YOU.  I see you reading and coming by each week but I’d love to know what is making you happy too.  I’ll come and visit everyone who links up this week.  Tweet your posts with #R2BC and I’ll try and give you an RT too.
Thanks to you all for your continued support and so wonderful to meet some of my great #R2BC mates at BritMums Live last weekend.
Come and link up now, and take the bloghop code too if you fancy and then we can jump from blog to blog....