Vileda obviously heard about my love of cleaning as they asked me to review their new mop for them, the 1 2 Spray. Take a look at my vlog and watch the mop in action and learn a bit more about it.
After making the vlog I did use the mop with water and bucket and I think the words I used to describe the cleaning action with the 1 2 spray mop to my Mum were 'it glides like a dream'. As I did not have the special bucket with the wringer, I used my own method which did work well but having tried out this mop with water I will be investing in the proper bucket as I know I will want to use this regularly.
I also removed the cleaning pad and washed it at 60 degrees, it came up perfectly and dried nice and soft on the line, ready for use again. Much more hygienic than my regular mop head which just gets rinsed with water.
The 1 2 Spray mop gets a 4.5 out of 5 overall, I love the mop and it performs fantastically but at £24.99 for the mop, £7.49 for the bucket and wringer and £5.99 for a refill pad it is not the cheapest option available.
If you would like to find out more about this or any other Vileda product, then take a look at their website HERE.
Disclosure: This is a sposnored post, I was paid to review this mop and I received the mop free of charge. I have not been instructed what to write and I remain honest.