Thursday, 8 September 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful - Week 36

Good morning fellow cheery people, or at least I hope you are cheery?  How is your week going?

Don't you find when you choose to look on the bright side of life you feel just that much better?  If you have known me for a while you will know that I  believe everything in life is a choice, you choose how your day goes.  Yes you get thrown the odd curve ball but it is how you deal with it that defines what the final outcome will be.

Have you heard of those people who lose their fortune in a bad deal on the stock market, one will believe their life is over and they lose everything and one will take the opportunity that is handed to them and decide to scale down and live the simple life. Their children are so happy they are available to them and not at work, their husband falls in love with them again and they develop their desire to refurbish old houses and guess what?  They live happily ever after, no big house and no flash car just lots of love and fun times. How does that sound to you?  Think about this next time money feels tough, do you really need to strive for more?

Anyway, I am obviously feeling pretty deep this morning, I had not planned to write that but you know sometimes it just flows out...

If you came here to find the #R2BC linky then I need to direct you over to the super friendly Bod for Tea for she is our guest host this week and you will find the linky code there. Please add it to your post so this is a blog hop.  I have only not added it so to force people over to the guest hosts each week. Leave her some comment love too, she really is very divine.

Here are a few quickie reasons from me of why I am counting my blessings this week-
  1. My Mum has been to stay for nearly a week, we have had a lovely time just being together, nothing flash
  2. My baby girls started Reception this week and they are loving it, they do their full first day tomorrow, which I know will tire Miss E out so much but with time she will be fine

  3. They also went to after school club for a trial session.  I was so proud of them as they let me go home and leave them there alone.  Miss M was totally not phased and was straight in there.  Miss E was much more nervous and started the silly behaviour that comes when she gets nervous and shy. She asked me who would look after her and I explained that the teachers would look after her and also that JJ would be there in 1/2 hour when his football club finished. She looked pensive and then said 'I know Mummy, Miss M will look after me. We will look after each other, we are twinnies'.  My heart swelled and I confirmed that they were indeed twinnies and would stick together.
  4. My diet is feeling very tough this week but I am still going.  I can do this.  Tonight I will go to my eating disorders group and that will be super to be amongst friends that understand and share my problem.
  5. I am also stoked to see that Ella at Notes from Home has restarted her Friday carnival. Go and visit and think about joining in, it is another little community of the parent blogging world that is just as friendly as #R2BC
I could go on and on, I am extremely blessed and pleased to be reminded of that but that is enough for this week or I'll bore you all!

Leave me a comment, I'll come and do the same.  Link your post up at Bod for Tea and visit others on the blog hop. These kind of things only work when we all put the effort in to visit and share the commenting love.

I've said it before but I'll say it again, thanks to you all for making #R2BC such a wonderful place.

Love you, Mich xx