Sunday 19 June 2011

Mich has found her mojo! Monday #Mumentum

I think the title says it all - do I need to spell it out for you? Oh OK...

Yes it is Monday, so this is my (now) regular post dedicated to all things weight/ diet/ food/ self image related and 'whoop di doody' things have clicked into place!  Mich has found her mojo again, I am not sure where it had gone but it went AWOL for quite some time and we have had a lovely reunion again.

I set myself 2 targets last week - to be off the laptop by 10pm and in bed for 11pm and to record my food every day. I have done OK with the food recording, so I am getting into that swing but the sleep only started on Thursday night and I am feeling so much better for getting some serious shut-eye.  I think I had burnt myself practically out with all this staying up late.

I have also remembered to take my multi-vits and glucosamine tablets every day, which probably helps. Then Friday night I went out for a meal with a good friend and decided not to bother with the wine or the dessert and yesterday I woke up feeling completely motivated and this has carried through to today as well.

I am praying this lasts,  for me I have to hand my food issues over to the Lord and ask him to sort this out for me, for I find it far too hard to do under my own steam.  That said, I must say a massive thank you to the #Mumentum ladies and also Midlife Singlemum who have been on hand to champion me as I re-start this journey again to find out what my natural size is.

Today I feel positive for the future and all I need to do is take one day at a time.....

This week I must continue with the food diary, sleeping by 11pm, taking the vitamins and also I need to add in some exercise this week....  I will leave it open as to what I do, but I must do something strenuous every day, even if only for 5 minutes.

From small acorns, mighty oaks grow!  Or in my case we can hopefully reverse that, from a might oak Mich will reduce into a nice manageable sapling! lol