Wednesday 4 May 2011

Simply Perfect Days

I have had some amazing days just recently, ones I have really enjoyed and you know what?  They have been so simple. There really is no need to over complicate life!

A pic-nic on holiday at Spring Harvest

Take the other Saturday, my parents and brother came to visit us and bought their dog.  Then Dh's sister, her partner and 3 of their kids came over.  Mum and me took all the kids to an Easter egg hunt and I cooked a lazy buffet dinner. We planted a few flowers, we played with the kids and not a lot else.  It was great.  JJ had his cousin to stay for the night and they were as good as gold.

Friday last week was another superb but simple day.  Dh drove down to my parents where we all watched the Royal Wedding, out for a Wimpey lunch (we know how to live) and on to the park for the kids to have a play.  Dog walking through the woods finished the day off.

Nanny H and Miss M enjoying the swings!
I used to be a bit of a crazy woman and every day and even practically every hour had to be planned out and whilst I had a very full life, I hardly ever had the time to savour it and take in all that was going on but in this last year things have changed.  I have mellowed and learnt the value of chilling and taking things as they come.  Big learning for a control freak like me!

I read an article in a quality magazine today (Fabulous, free magazine with the Sun - told you it was quality! lol), it had an article about how people worry about what they will miss out on if they are not there.  I know I used to be that person, I would over stretch myself and attend everything I was invited to 'just in case'.  In case of what who knows but I hated the thought that I might miss out.  I then had a realisation, that I was missing out.  Missing out on lazy Saturday mornings in our PJ's, missing out on whole days spent at home just watching movies and playing games with the kids, missing out on making memories in the park or at the farm.

I now say no to quite a lot of things.  I have become rather good at it, in fact I may even have gone the other way and become too laid back....  oh well, I'll live!

Me and my babies, Miss E not looking too impressed at all!
What about you, do you appreciate the simple things in life?