WOW, What a night!
I am just back from Church and I feel on fire. Tonight was a testimonial service from all the people who have been away to a Christian festival called Rivercamp. Sadly our family did not go this year, mostly because I was too scared to cope with 3 kids camping in a soggy field! Next year will be different - nothing will stop me going.
At least 20 different teenagers all went up the front to share their experiences from this festival. They were amazing. My heart nearly broke when I heard a young girl of about 15 tell how she had been so lonely all her life and on Rivercamp people prayed for her and her loneliness has gone and she feels part of a family, something she has never had before.
These children were a complete and utter blessing to me. Reminding me that it is not enough to encounter the Holy Spirit, we have to live as Christians every day, taking time to pray, spend time with God and help others in the way that we can. I realised I have not been hungry for God just recently. I need to step up to the plate and take on whatever Christ has in store for me.
In one way I feel worried typing this post. Most of you that read will know I am a Christian, but do I ever really talk of God or evangelise on here? No I don't and perhaps I need more of a Christian slant in my writing and in my life in general. So, no I won't be turning into a raving brain washer but I will be sharing more of my spiritual life. If that turns you off, then so be it. I do not need to be verified by the number of followers on my blog. I need to be verified for the work I do in Christ.
Lord, take me where You want me to go, Let Your will be done. Amen