Thursday 17 June 2010

Summer is...

Today is a good day. No scrap that, today is a great day! Today I love my husband more than I did yesterday. Today I am thankful for such amazing parents. Today my kids are wonderful individuals who make me so proud. Today I am joyful for the recovery I have made, thankful for who I am. Eternally grateful to the 'Big I Am' for His part in all this.

Today my heart is nearly not big enough for all the love I have............... and you know what helps me to feel like this? IT IS SUMMER! Yay

So in the spirit of those greeting cards that were around when I was a kid. Do you remember the cartoon characters and the caption 'Love is...' and then a corny line. I am going to make my own corny lines and use the caption - 'Summer is...'

Love is... the reason we're here on earth! ahhh

Summer is...

... feeling the cool breeze coming through the open patio doors

... listening to the squeals of laughter from the garden as the kids spray water at each other

... burying Daddy in the sand at the beach

... wearing bright colours

... wearing sandals and flip flops

... the smell of fresh cut grass

... that cut grass getting trodden through your house as the kids play chase!

... a glass of rose enjoyed in the garden after the kids are snoozing

... big brother on in the background (but not for much longer!)

... pic nics in the park

... feeding the ducks

... bare bums jumping on the trampoline (the kids, not mine!)

... going on a family holiday, enjoying time together

... air conditioning in the office at work (thank goodness)

... yummy ice creams

What does the summer mean to you? I am sure I will think of loads more as soon as I post this. Isn't that always the way! lol