Wednesday, 3 February 2010

That well known cure!

I have discovered a great new website (Things my Child Says) and in honour of this I thought I would post about a conversation I had in the car this morning with the twinnies. Do go and visit this site and give yourself a good chuckle.

There we are driving to work and nursery and.....

Miss M - 'My tummy hurts' (nothing new there, she is a drama queen and has been trying to throw sickies from nursery since she was about 18 months)

Miss E - 'My hurt too mummy'

Me - 'Oh dear, What are we going to do with you two?'

Miss E - 'Puzzles Mummy!'

So there we have it, the very well known cure for stomach problems. Do some puzzles with your Mummy and all will be resolved. LOL I think my afternoon is mapped out for me now.