Thursday 13 August 2009

The pink palace is taking shape....

Sorry to have been MIA but dh and I have been busy creating a pink palace for the girls. I had visions of getting their complete bedroom done in just a couple of days....... I now know different!

I am pleased to say that all that remains now is a new curtain rail to go up, a shelf to go up and dh and I need to construct one bed. I also might go out and buy a couple of bedside drawers for the girls. Once it is all done I will post pics.

They are going to go into big beds and be big girls! This will be hard week for the first transition week or two but needs to be done. Like everything else with kids it all comes together in time.

I am sat in waiting for John Lewis to deliver a mattress and then tonight I am off down to Mum and Dad's to stay for a couple of days and to bring my big boy home. I have really missed him this week whilst he has been at Nanny's. I know he has had a fab time and he tells me he has missed my Mummy cuddles, bless him.

It is my birthday on Saturday, a whole 36 years old - how time flies. So hopefully dh and I will spend a nice night together on Sunday night once we have got the girls room all finished.