Friday 24 April 2009

ED Thursday Meeting

Well, I went last night and I was quite nervous but I listened to worship songs on the way there and had a good pray before I went into the meeting. I need not of worried, everyone was fantastic, so welcoming and I was able to see from one meeting that many people have the same problems and hang ups as I do.

This week I have decided to focus on having 3 meals per day and no snacking. Those meals must be planned the day before so I can free my mind of constantly thinking about food. Then if I am struggling during the day I will pray for help and not try to beat my demons myself. God is there for me, I just have to ask for his help.

I think this must be the right thing I am doing as it has not been that hard this morning - I am feeling focused. I have enjoyed the food I have had and I am drinking alot of water, which can only be good!

At the end of my bible reading for today (yep I am about 10 days behind schedule but.............. I only have 10 days left and then I have read my bible in a year! well a year and 10 days anyway lmao) I was reading Luke 12:22-31 and this reinforced the important message that I must seek Gods kingdom first and my needs will be met. Worrying is fruitless and damaging. It was great to read that affirmation this morning that I am doing the right thing in turning this problem over to the Lord and with the help of my ED group I think I will be OK.